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Instore Interchangeable Signage
Before the Signarama design team can get to work our customer must choose a material for their sign panel. We can then customise the graphics, panel size and how it is secured to the gondola as each shop fit out is different and there is no one size fits all.


Why Choose a Clear U Pocket

A 'U' pocket is produced by hot line bending polyethylen terephthalate (PET-G)  a clear high gloss 'glass' like plastic material similar in appearence to acrylic. The purpose of the pocket is to hold two paper 'category sign' slips back to back.This is a cost effective system as paper is inexpensive  to produce or replace with the added benefit  of the sign panel always positioned perfectly in the sign support.


​How are U pockets Interchangeable


All Signarama category gondola signage is designed to interchange with ease. The 'U' pocket will rest in a sign support which is permanently fixed to the gondola, staff can easily slide the poster slips into the open top pocket.The paper slips are reusable but not rebust like PVC or acrylic. We will offer our expertise to devise the best solution to suit your existing gondolas taking into consideration all your concerns.


What are the Sign Supports 


There are a number of options to hold the clear U pocket in place. Its important the sign is at a visible height, choice of sign support will be determined by the look and feel of the exiting shop fixtures, personal taste of the decision maker and often budget. Our design team will work with you to find the best solution for the store

a) Painted Wooden Block

b) Satin Anodised Sign Supports  

b) Painted Metal 

c) Power Coated Metal Frame 


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